My election experience was probably not like most of you guys. I got to work the polls so my job was sitting outside and instructing people to go once they got into the building. I was set up at Goff Junior High School in Pawtucket, RI from 6:00am-8:30pm. It was interesting to hear what people were talking about after they would finish voting. Some people were talking about Romney winning while others were like Obama's gonna bring home the victory, 4 more years.
Of course I also got to see people flip out when they found out that they don't vote here anymore because everyone in Pawtucket got redistricted. Some people were so upset after waiting in line for 30 minutes to hear this that they came out saying their not gonna vote at all because this is ridiculous. Others just took measures in their own hand by ripping out a sign saying vote here with an arrow point to the entrance door and then throwing it down the sewer.
By the end of the day once we closed and we were tallying up the totals for our polling place I was watching our counters face expressions as each number and person was called. If you don't know what a counter is a counter is 1-2 people who are sent our from election headquarters for each candidate to record the amount of numbers for that person at that specific site. Many were shocked with the numbers we got for Obama compared to Romney.Obama was up by at least 100 votes. After we got all that settled and we packed everything up I rushed back to RIC to await the announcement of who our next president is and hear the speeches. In the car I even started debating with my parents why Obama should win over Romney and lets just say the conversation was intense. Once in my dorm I waited nervously to hear who the next president would be, with my fingers crossed that Obama would pull it off. The second they announced he was the President I was so thrilled! All mt friends that were in the common room watching it with me were just staring at me like I was crazy. I was like aren't you all excited that hes president again for 4 more years? They replied where not that big into politics so its whatever. That's when I realized that what got me so interested and invested in this election was this class and having to work on this election project. Before doing this I had no idea who I should vote for but after examining both sides and issues they stood for I felt like I had a good idea of who I was voting for and felt more interested in watching the debates and rooting for Obama to pull off another win.