I loved reading Privilege, Power, and Difference by Johnson because his book definitely mentioned some great points. For example he mentions, "Unlike class, differences of gender, race, and sexual orientation are associated with the body itself. From the moment of birth, for example, the assignment of people to categories of female or male is based almost entirely on their physical attributes and appearance". I believe this statement completely because it's true in todays society. If a couple has a baby boy they expect him to be big and strong and good with their hands, where as if that same couple was to have a girl they would expect her to be a girly girl who does dance. Some people just assume that girls can't hang with the guys or even do what the guys do like sports but there wrong. Girls can do whatever they have their minds set on whether its being a tom boy and playing sports or being a girly girl and doing dance. And same goes for the boys. No one should be told what they can and can't do based on their gender and size.
The second quote I chose was, "The glass ceiling that lets women see the executive suite but keeps them from being promoted to it is as thick as ever, and the gender gap in income is narrowing only at a glacial pace and persists even among top executives in Fortune 500 companies pg.3 ". This statement is very powerful and makes me think as a woman why I can't secure a strong powerful job with an executive suite. If women are doing just as good of work and maybe even better why can't they have access to the same opportunities to move up in the work force as males. Also the pay situation has started to improve over the years and isn't as big of a concern anymore.
The third quote I chose was, "Another reason privilege and happiness often don't go together is that privilege can exact a cost from those who have it. pg. 20" I liked how Johnson makes this point because a lot of people might envy people who have certain privileges that others don't. In return to get that privilege people might go to lengths to achieve it which they might end up regretting in the end. For example say a person wins the lottery and gets millions of dollars well they got the privilege of winning and in return a lot of people might try to do anything they can to become that persons best friend in hopes of getting a share of the money just won.
I enjoyed reading this short article and thought that Frye made some really good points just like Johnson did in his book.
I think you pick some great quotes. Privilege Power and Difference is an entire book if you are interested in reading more.