
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Romney and Abortion Rights

     In this article, "Scaring the Voters in the Middle" by Nicholas Kristof he states his opinion in regards to Mitt Romney's approach on Abortion.  Kristof mentions, "Mitt Romney insists that his position on abortion is crystal clear" but according to this video interview he is still very confused. He then goes on to say, "On your campaign Web site, you say that life begins at conception and that you favor overturning Roe v. Wade. As with the Republican Party platform, you give no indication there that you favor an exception for rape or to save a woman’s life.
Likewise, you seemed to endorse a “Personhood” initiative like the one in Mississippi last year that would have treated a fertilized egg as a legal person. It failed because of concerns that an abortion, even to save a woman’s life, could be legally considered murder. It might also have banned in vitro fertilization and some forms of birth control.
      These days, Mr. Romney, as you seek general-election voters, you insist that you do, in fact, accept abortion in cases of rape, incest or a pregnancy that endangers a woman’s life". The last point Kristof likes to comment on is, "Americans are deeply conflicted on abortion, but I think most are repulsed by the Republican drive to impose ultrasounds — in some cases invasive ones — on women before an abortion. Five states now require a woman, before an abortion, to endure an ultrasound that may use a probe inserted into her vagina. Four of those states make no exception for a rape.
And if the Republican Party succeeds in defunding Planned Parenthood, the result will be more women dying of cervical cancer and fewer women getting contraception. The consequence will probably be more unintended pregnancies — and more abortions.
Or there’s sex education. Today in America, more than one-third of teens say that when they began having sex, they had not had any formal instruction about contraception. Is this really the time for a Republican Party platform denouncing comprehensive sex education"
     After reading this opinion piece I liked the arguments that Kristof made about points Romney is fighting for. From the beginning I was on the fence about both candidates Obama and Romney along with the arguments their fighting for. Romney hasn't really displayed a fine example of the set point he's trying to make when it comes to abortion. It seems to me like hes still puzzled in his mind about what call he should take on this issue. You can clearly see this confusing in the video of his interview I posted above.

1 comment:

  1. This was really interesting to read! I also like the video you chose, it really worked well with the piece you wrote. Personally, I've never been a fan of Romney (and I'm very glad he didn't win) but I completely agree that he never truly was "crystal clear".
